Today in Western Civ, we continued with our presentations. So here are my notes:
Pericles & the Golden Age:
(picture 1) - started in law courts
- born in wealthy family in 495 BC
- father was in the Persian work
- general, supporter and speaker of arts
- brought democracy to Athens
- gave citizens ability to vote
- passed laws in favour of the poor and middle class (not only the upper rich class)
- Pericles and Athens were very powerful
- strategy of seaborne attacks
- it paid off, when he attacked Sparta's alliance during the beginning of war
- died: 429 from the Plague ending the Golden Ages
- lasted: 449 to 431 BC
- grew in and around Athens
- Athens and Sparta lived in peace
- Greeks invented drama
- the Parthenon; Temple of Athena Nike
- Erectjeion: Architecture
- drama: most famous - dramas and tragedies based off religion and myths
- Socrates: could get you thinking by asking questions
- Plato: Had to think about things in the bigger picture (logic/science)
- Golden Age ended: Sparta and Athens wanted to both gain power so the Pelapesian War ended the peace and the Golden Ages
Socrates, Plato, & Aristotle:
Socrates: (picture 2)
- lived: 470-339 BC
- classical Greek philosopher
- his method influences the scientific method
Aristotle: (picture 3)
- had a strong relationship with Plato
- Aristotle walked around teaching
- systematic concept of logic
- his theory: two people had an idea and they would come up with a conclusion
Plato: (picture 4)
- studied music and poetry
- met Socrates and he became his mentor
- traveled to Egypt, studying religion, geometry, and astronomy
- Socratic Dialogues: his findings during his time
- composed Meno, Euthydemus etc. (books)
- these philosophers encouraged democracy and thinking for yourself
- ancient Greece arts
- doric, ionic, corinthian: three main architecture (main orders)
- Doric: simplest, amount the three columns (commons)
- Ionic: more detailed - thin and slender
- Corinthian: most decorative- most common style in history and modern
- if it was a fancy building they used Corinthian
- was inspired by Egyptians
- skill level went up during the classical period
Hellenistic Period: they added more emotion and detail to the sculptures
Today my group also went and I think we did pretty good, I was a wee bit nervous but I had my notes and I tried my best to explain it well. We had Hoplites and Triremes which was actually very interesting. But anyways, I hope we do well on the paper! :)
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